Under Prescher, (GER)
"Rock- & Pop-Classics unplugged"
(Christian Prescher & Projects)
Link: http://www.underprescher.de/
Webmaster: Harald Krüger
Design: Harald Krüger
Coding: Harald Krüger
Content: Harald Krüger & Christian Prescher
Maintenance: Harald Krüger & Christian Prescher
Scripting Language:
CMS, Wordpress 5.1.1, Krisi.at - Theme "Enfold"
For more information click here.
2019 (unreleased):
Iron Savior "Kill Or Get Killed", (GER)
(New Official Website)
Link: http://www.iron-savior.com
Webmaster: Harald Krüger
Design & Graphics:
H. Krüger & Felipe Machado
Coding: Harald Krüger
Content: Harald Krüger, Iron Savior & AFM Records
Maintenance: Harald Krüger
Scripting Language:
CMS, Wordpress 5.1.1, Themeforest - "Elite Author" Theme "Vocal", BuddyPress (bbPress)
Dirk Schlächter, (GER & MEX)
"Bass Player, Audio Engineer & Producer"
(Bass Player Of Gamma Ray (GER), Avalanch (SPAIN)
Link: http://www.bassman.one/
Webmaster: Harald Krüger
Design: Harald Krüger
Coding: Harald Krüger
Content: Harald Krüger & Dirk Schlächter,
Maintenance: Harald Krüger & Dirk Schlächter
Scripting Language:
CMS, Wordpress 5.1.1, Kriesi (AT) - One Site Theme "Enfold" Vers. 4.5.1
For more information click here.
(New Official Website)
Links: https://www.ffm-rock.de &
Webmaster: Harald Krüger
Set-Up, Migration &
Harald Krüger
Content: FFM-ROCK Team
Maintenance: FFM-ROCK Team
Scripting Language:
CMS, Joomla 3.10, "Joomla Plates" Template "Musician"
Webhosting: Harald Krüger for Weenies Webdesign (in collaboration with "Neue Medien Münnich")
For more information click here.
2016 (-2019):
Hans-Christian-Andersen-Schule (GER)
("Schule für Lernhilfe" - Stadthagen)
Link: http://www.hcas-stadthagen.de/
Webmaster: Kevin Patterson
Design: Harald Krüger
Coding: Harald Krüger
Content: Kevin Patterson & Harald Krüger
Maintenance: Kevin Patterson & Harald Krüger
Scripting Language:
CMS, Wordpress 3.7.x, Kriesi (AT) - One Site Theme "Enfold"
For more information click here.
Under Prescher Acoustic Duo, (GER)
"Rock- & Pop-Classics unplugged"
(Coverband from Hannover)
Link: https://www.underprescher.de/
Webmaster: Harald Krüger
Design: Harald Krüger
Coding: Harald Krüger
Content: Harald Krüger & Christian Prescher,
Maintenance: Harald Krüger & Christian Prescher
Scripting Language:
CMS, Wordpress 3.8, ThemeForest - "Red Sun" Theme "Soundboard"
For more information click here.
Schwedischer Verein Hannover / Svenska Föreningen Hann. (GER/SWE)
(Neue Webpräsenz)
Link: http://www.schwedischer-verein-hannover.de/ &
Webmaster: Harald Krüger
Design: Harald Krüger
Coding: Harald Krüger
Content: Lisa Flach
Maintenance: Harald Krüger
Scripting Language:
CMS, Wordpress 3.8, "NewWpThemes" Theme "Lifty"
For more information click here.
Gamma Ray "Masters Of Confusion" (GER)
(New Official Website)
Link: https://www.gammaray.org
Webmaster: Harald Krüger
Design: Harald Krüger
Coding: Harald Krüger
Content: Gamma Ray & Ear Music (Edel), Harald Krüger
Maintenance: Harald Krüger
Scripting Language:
CMS, Joomla 2.5, "Yootheme" Template "Drive", Kunena Forum & JomSocial Layout by "Tigra"
For more information click here.
Official Gamma Ray Webshop
(New Official Webshop)
Plug-In: Joomla VirtueMart 2
Link: http://www.gammaray.org/webshop
Rough Silk, (GER)
"The Good, The Bad & The Undead"
(Melodic Metalband from Hannover)
Link: http://www.rough-silk.com
Webmaster: Mike Mandel & Harald Krüger
Design: Harald Krüger
Coding: Harald Krüger
Content: Harald Krüger & Rough Silk,
Maintenance: Mike Mandel & Harald Krüger
Scripting Language:
CMS, Wordpress 3.5, ThemeForest - "Red Sun" Theme "Soundboard"
For more information click here.
RV Linden, (GER)
(New Official Website of my rowing club)
Links: http://www.rvlinden.de
Webmaster: Harald Krüger
Set-Up &
Harald Krüger
Content: RVL & Harald Krüger
Maintenance: Harald Krüger
Scripting Language:
CMS, Wordpress 3.5, "NewWpThemes" Theme "Noble"
Webhosting: Harald Krüger for Weenies Webdesign (in collaboration with "Neue Medien Münnich")
For more information click here.
(New Official Website)
Links: http://www.ffm-rock.de &
Webmaster: Harald Krüger
Set-Up &
Harald Krüger, Bojan Kevresan (Team1 Hosting), Julien Vonthron for JLV Solutions (Eventlist Coding for J2.5)
Content: FFM-ROCK Team
Maintenance: FFM-ROCK Team
Scripting Language:
CMS, Joomla 2.5, ThemeForest - "Demente Design" Template "Andromeda"
Webhosting: Harald Krüger for Weenies Webdesign (in collaboration with "Neue Medien Münnich")
For more information click here.
2011 (-2019):
Iron Savior "The Landing", (GER)
(New Official Website)
Link: http://www.iron-savior.com
Webmaster: Harald Krüger
Design & Graphics:
H. Krüger & Felipe Machado
Coding: Harald Krüger
Content: Harald Krüger & Iron Savior
Maintenance: Harald Krüger
Scripting Language:
CMS, Wordpress 3.5, Themeforest - "Ghost Pool" Theme "ReviewIt", BuddyPress (bbPress)
For more information click here.
2011-2013 (not maintained anymore):
Deathrider TM - "Herbal Liquor", (GER)
(Official Website)
Link: http://www.deathrider.de
Design & Graphics: Christian Bröhenhorst (CrudeArt)
Basis Set-Up & Coding: Harald Krüger (in collaboration with CMM Marketing Hannover
Content: Deathrider TM
Maintenance: Deathrider TM
Scripting Language: CMS, Wordpress 3, ThemeForest - "DigitalCavalry" Theme "Prestige"
For more information click here.
2011 (-2014):
Stormwarrior "Runestone", (GER)
(New Official Website)
Link: http://www.stormwarrior.de/
Webmaster: Yenz Leonhardt
Design & Graphics: Yenz Leonhardt
Coding: Harald Krüger
Content: Stormwarrior
Maintenance: Yenz Leonhardt, Harald Krüger
Scripting Language:
For more information click here.
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